Shower Replacements - Midlands

Cubicles - England & Wales

So you have NO shower at all... and considering a new electric shower ?

We can supply and fit for you a far superior Bar or Bath tap shower or Power Shower  offering  3 times more hot water pressure than ANY electric shower.  If you have a Combi Boiler then what you really need is a thermostatic BAR shower or a thermostatic  BATH TAP Shower

Combination ( Combi ) Boiler

New up n over bar shower connection

Combi boilers have 6 copper pipes exiting the boiler which is easily identifiable - There could be 2 pipes popping out the top and 4 exiting the bottom or ANY combination.

Let's be clear this set up will pump out at least 8 litres of hot water per minute 40 Degrees centigrade - Electric showers will only manage 2-4 litres per minute at the same temperature.

If in any doubt just send us some videos on WhatsApp/ Messenger showing the pipes like the photo here  - No mad panic we are here to help.

If you have a hot water cylinder with a cold water tank above then what you really need is a Power shower  !

Vented Hot Water Cylinder

So you have a primary boiler with a hot water cylinder similar to the image - This is stored hot water vented cylinder, you will probably have a large plastic tank above the cylinder or in the attic. You may not have a boiler connected to this cylinder - Some are electrically heated by an immersion inside the cylinder.

We can get 8 litres per minute from this cylinder with one of our Power Showers.

Pressurised Hot Water Cylinder

So you have a cylinder like this - Usually white with a separate expansion vessel on the side or above. 

We can get 8 litres per minute from this cylinder with one of our Bar Showers OR Bath Tap Filler Tap Showers.

Sometimes heated by electric only - Usually in flats - Sometimes connected to gas boilers.

If in any doubt just send us some videos on WhatsApp  showing the pipes like the  photos above send via the chat window  bottom right - No mad panic we are here to help.