Shower Replacements - Midlands

Cubicles - England & Wales


Are you sure you want a pumped electric shower OR an electric shower - There is a big difference !

Supply & Fitted Pumped Electric Shower

Mira Elite

Replacement only

We remove your old pumped electric shower and replace with new.

Mira Elite supply and fit.   

£599 ~ 9.8kw  

£639 ~ 10.8kw

OUR FULL INSTALLATION - New pipes & wiring + certificate. 

We include a quality Mira 10.8Kw pumped electric shower with our full installations - Full installation including 

  • 20 gallon cold water storage tank fitted on a platform in a cupboard or in the loft (Or variation smaller tanks linked together where loft opening is small)
  • New water supply pipe to fill the cold water storage tank, 
  • New pipework from the cold water storage tank to your new Mira Elite electric shower. 
  • New wiring circuit from your fuse board with a mini circuit breaker, pull cord or wall mounted isolation switch,  
  • Electrical certification, building control notification  

£1999 - £2400

This shower is the perfect solution where there is not enough mains supply water pressure in your home  ~ Standard electric showers require 0.7 ~ 1.0 bar pressure to work effectively. Quite a few homes fall below the minimum water pressure for electric showers.

So how do these Pumped electric showers differ from standard electric showers ?

They work the same way as a normal electric shower except that the water supply comes from a stored cold water tank above in the loft/ attic and pushed through to the heating element inside the shower unit via a pump built inside the shower unit. The water is heated up as it passes through the shower like normal electric showers.

What is involved with this system - First of all a cold water tank will need to be installed at ceiling height inside a cupboard or up in the loft. We will need to install a new electrical circuit direct from your fuse board 10mm wiring along with an isolation switch - If you have a stored hot water cylinder you may already have this cold water tank in the loft.


if you have a hot water cylinder with a separate 50 gallon cold water tank above it... consider a new Power Shower installation.